Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Tax Man Cometh!

It's April 15th -- the last day you have to file your taxes without an extension and be on time.

So the question on most people's minds, especially if you are a business owner -- "Did I do the best I could to minimize my tax bill?" As my fellow blogger Traci Ellis says, it's not unpatriotic to try to pay your least amount of taxes. I wholeheartedly agree! There are so many opportunities for exemptions and deductions that it would be a shame not to take advantage of them. As a business owner, you know far too well that you have so many expenses you can't write off, so you sure as heck had better not leave out the ones you can. That's a business faux-pas that is as bad as failing to "ask for the sale" with your customers. It is unnecessarily leaving money on the table and out of your pocket.

So did you do a good job this year? Have you made resolutions to do better in 2010? What are you going to start doing tomorrow to decrease your tax burden April 15th 2011?

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