Well, there was a time when I was actually trying to do this thing called social media on a regular basis. It had its fun times, but it also was a lot a of work that seemed to take me away from other work.
After a looooong hiatus from blogging and tweeting and facebooking -- I'm trying to ease myself back into it. The goal it to come up with a schedule or plan of action that makes sense.
I certainly don't have 12 plus hours to commit to social media each day, but I am committed that my "one page" will be that I will do at least on social media activity each day. Like that writer, there may be days when I get on a roll and become inspired by an event in my life or an epiphany of brilliance may occur that I feel I have to share with the world. But I know on most days, it might just be one tweet, one facebook post, one viral video on YouTube....or one blog post. Can you guess what my "one page" is today?